Medicine Digest

22 May 2024

Directory of Healthcare Tweetchats

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All we can say, is that this page is a Work in Progress; Tweetchats come and go, so please notify us if a Tweetchat either no longer exists, or if you have found another Healthcare Tweetchat at desertedbeach at hotmail dot com.

All a Tweet Chat is, is a bunch of people logged into the same screen, and one can post whatever is called for, i.e. a comment, another topic, a non-sequitir, etc.  Spammer occasionallly come, but you will learn how to deal with them.  Just go to a few, and watch, to see what is sometimes like a Free for all.  My first Tweetchat was a very busy one, the #HCSM (Health Care in Social Media), and it was so busy, it reminded me to trying to talk to someone, while running at full speed, alongside a fast train, and the person you are trying to talk to is in the window of the train!

To enter into a Tweetchat, simply go to the website,, and enter the hashtag address, like #HCSM

We aim to bring healthcare professionals together with general public for the purpose of patient education regarding treatment and management of knee injuries.
@laurusrehab @jdimick
Sunday (Every other week) 9:00 – 10:00 PM ET

For those interested in getting more out of life, marketing to the 50+ demographic, interested in the politics of aging, the tragedy of ageism, the explosion of masters athletics, the value of experience, the key to health and vitality, how the 50+ market uses the internet, and on and on.
@kwidrick @ageopportunity
Thursday 8:00 9:00 PM CT

Chat about alternative medicine.
Friday 3:00 3:30 PM ET

#AgeOp: Health & Fitness
For those interested in getting more out of life, marketing to the 50+ demographic, interested in the politics of aging, the tragedy of ageism, the explosion of masters athletics, the value of experience, the key to health and vitality, how the 50+ market uses the internet, and on and on.
@kwidrick @ageopportunity
Thursday 8:00 9:00 PM CT

Living Topics include aging and senior trends within societal and technological fields.
@beclosedotdom @mark_hanson
Wednesday (2nd Wed. of month) 4:00 5:00 PM ET

Health & Fitness
A chat to discuss stories of former smokers featured in APPEAL national media campaign and CDC Tips Campaign, share tips on quitting, and prevent tobacco related disease in AA and NHPI communities.
Tuesday 1:00 2:00 PM PT

Medical Various nurse practitioners on twitter with different backgrounds coming together to discuss a topic related either to medicine or the industry of nurse practitioners. @pyramidmedicine
Sunday 5:00 6:00 PM ET

Join us as we discuss the future of healthcare reform and building on
the changes of the Affordable Care Act to eventually progressing toward a single payer
healthcare system. Sponsored by the California Health Professional Student Alliance. Use the
hashtag #CaHPSA or #singlepayer to participate in the chat.
Sunday 7:00 -8:00 PM PT

Healthcare An opportunity for medical experts and the patient
community to discuss a broad range of health issues in Spanish.
@ClinicaMayo Thursday
1:00 2:00 PM ET

Healthcare Diabetes Social Media Advocacy (DSMA) is involved with and
promotes social media in all its forms to empower people affected by diabetes and to connect
them with each other to foster support and education.
@diabetessocmed @diabetesCAF@sweetercherise
Wednesday 3:00 4:00 PM ET

#EOLchat is a chat for anyoneno healthcare experience needed.
Our chat goal is to better understand that dying is a normal part of the human life experience.
We hope to encourage more regular conversations among families and other communities about end
of life issues, including planning, hospice and palliative options, grief, and caregiving.
Have questions about Advance Directives, Living Wills, Do Not Resuscitate orders? Well discuss
these topics and more.
Tuesday 8:30 9:30 PM CT

Health & Fitness
Focuses on all the hot topics facing the fitness and
healthy living community that week. The chat is 60 minutes of awesome discussion and amazing
@kwidrick @CambridgeClubs @TAC_ClubAbove @AdelaideClub
Tuesday 9:00 10:00 PM ET

Healthcare Leaders is a tweet chat that focuses on leadership within
Tuesday 8:30 9:30 PM ET

The Healthcare Communication & Social Media community hosts a weekly
Twitter conversation about communication and marketing practices by healthcare organizations,
including use of social media.
Sunday 8:00 9:00 PM CT

healthcare social media conversations
Health conversation throughout the week on #hcsmeu since 2009. Co-founded by
@whydotpharma @andrewspong
Time: Throughout the Week

Interested in learning about the bleeding disorders community
or making new connections? Each month NHF hosts a Twitter chat to discuss topics of interest
from the bleeding disorders community. Use hashtag #HemoChat to
join discussion
Wednesday 1:00 2:00 PM ET nationalhemophiliafoundation

Health Information Technology Social Media
Moderator: Chad Johnson via @HealthStandards
This chat one has the potential to generate some important discussions. In January 2011, leaders in health IT began gathering weekly to discuss trends, regulations and social media guidance.
Friday, noon ET

Monday 8PM PST (5 EST)

A conversation about type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children,
moderated by U.S. News & World Report, with experts from Mayo Clinic and the American Diabetes
Association. Details
@USNewsHealth @leonardkl @MayoClinic @AmDiabetesAssn
Thursday (April 25) 2:00 3:00 PM ET

Information Technology Lean: lean startup founders knows what this means. We
are bringing together startup partners and talk on collaboration, partnering for startup
founders, startup weekends, hackathons, and other ways to build internet startups together.
(9 a.m. Japan time)
Saturday 7:00 8:00 PM ET

Moderator: Phil Baumann via @MD_Chat
Giving physicians opportunities to find each other, crowd and just learn how the Twitterverse works is the goal of this chat. It launched in 2010 and has found plenty of ways to keep the chat interesting, including hosting special sessions and guests. Last year, it partnered with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and the Alzheimer’s Association to host a fireside chat with two younger-onset Alzheimer’s disease patients.
Tuesday 9 p.m. ET

Moderator: Joe Hage via @MedicalMarcom
Bringing on interesting and influential analysts, executives and consultants to start conversations about everything from FDA regulatory crackdowns to ACOs to preparing for FDA audits is the name of the game in this chat. It’s hosted by the leader of the 107,000 members-strong Medical Devices Group on LinkedIn.
Wednesday, 4 p.m. ET


is an open access community & Knowledge Hub ( ). Join+Share your #MentalHealth views & insights every

Wednesday 8:00 PM UTC @MHchat

Health & Fitness
We are part of the global Diabetes Online Community #DOC
@HenshawKim @STroyCrow @RenzaS
Tuesday 8:30 9:30 PM ET

Healthcare U.S. News is holding a Twitter chat about empowering hospital
patients. @USNewsHealth
@leonardkl Thursday 2:00 3:00 AM ET

Healthcare Chat on pregnancy-related topics @marchofdimes
Saturday 2:00 3:00 PM CT

Medical Weekly tweetchat of the Society for Participatory Medicine, including the
Journal of Participatory Medicine and blog

Wednesday 5:00
6:00 PM ET

Biopharmaceutical Marketing and Social Media
Moderator: Eileen O’Brien via @eileenobrien
This one’s all about exploring how pharmaceutical companies are using and could use various forms of social media platforms from Facebook to Pinterest to Instagram to YouTube. Guest moderators have included representatives from Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Roche, Purdue Pharma and, most recently, the director of video communication at Johnson & Johnson.
— first Wednesday of each month, 8 p.m. ET

Social Media
Discussion on the power of social media among active practitioners and
strategists. Anyone interested in driving value from online interaction and collaboration is
welcome. Be ready for a discussion that’s sometimes technical but always lively.
Wednesday 1:00 2:00 PM ET

Social Media
The tweetchat for the Best Thinkers Webinar Series on Social
Media Today Live. Bringing together the worlds best thinkers and practitioners on social media
and networked business.
Tuesday 12:00 1:00 PM ET

Social Media
Share your thoughts on where social media is heading in 2013.
This space is for sharing news, trends, articles and personal thoughts on social media.

Social Media
Weekly chat covering topics related to marketing, branding,
social media, blogging, and more. Also accompanies the Social Web Cafe TV show. Dual hashtags:
Also uses hashtag #TBW.
@socialwebcafe @theblogworkshop
Tuesday 9:00 10:00 PM ET

Social Media
Chat about social media behind the firewall. How we use social
technologies to improve networking, collaboration, communications with employees/teams.
Thursday 4:00 5:00 PM ET

Social Media
Weekly chat covering topics related to marketing, branding, social
media, blogging, and more. Also accompanies the Social Web Cafe TV show. Dual hashtags: Also
uses hashtag #SocialCafe.
@theblogworkshop @socialwebcafe
Tuesday 9:00 10:00 PM ET

Topics include: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering &
Mathematics), ed tech, and all things education related that can be put into practice by
Sunday 8:00 9:00 PM CT

Health & Fitness
What vitamins and supplements are important for women?
For men? What about senior citizens and kids? Well cover all that and more. Other topics: Are
there risks involved with taking vitamins and supplements? Who needs calcium supplements, and
what are the benefits? Who needs to take Vitamin D, and why?
Monday (June 24, 2013) 2:00 3:00 PM ET